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Cornus Watermelon Sugar™

Pink, green and white leaves and huge flowers.

Cornus Watermelon Sugar™ comes to us from our friends at Van Heesbeen Nursery in the Netherlands. We love this new Korean dogwood for its tri-color variegation, vigor, and large, showy flowers. 

The foliage emerges green with white speckles and watermelon-pink tips. As the season progresses, the foliage keeps its wonderful variegation, aa the tree sports large, pure white flowers. The flowers age and form typical strawberry-like fruits that stay on until a bird eats them or they fall off, giving fall and often winter interest. The bark will mottle, as all Cornus kousas do, as the tree ages and matures. 

If you have ever grown Salix 'Hakuro-Nishiki', you will recognize this variegation because it is very similar and just as lovely. 



Who Am I?

  • Common Name:
    Watermelon Sugar dogwood
  • Botanical Name:
    Cornus kousa 'CORHEESFT' PP 35268
  • Type:

Cultural Details


  • Light:
    Full sun
  • Soil:
    Average garden soil
  • Moisture:
    Moist, but well-drained.
  • Hardiness Zone
  • Bloom Time:
    Late Spring
  • Bloom Color:
  • Fruit Time
    Fall to winter
  • Fruit Color
  • Size:
    15-20' tall by 10-15' wide
  • Diseases & Pests:
    None known

What Makes Me Special?

Variegated leaves on a vigorous dogwood with large flowers.

Landscape Use

Specimen, Urban landscape tolerant


Van Hesbeen Nrsery in The Netherlands 


Hardwood Cuttings

Who Am I?

  • Common Name:
    Watermelon Sugar dogwood
  • Botanical Name:
    Cornus kousa 'CORHEESFT' PP 35268
  • Type:

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