To get maximum distribution and royalty revenues for the plants, we work with plant breeder agents all over the world to help get our plants into the hands of growers and consumers everywhere. If you are an International Plant Breeder's Agent in another country, and you would like to represent one of our plants, OR you have plants that you need help introducing to North America, Plants Nouveau can help.
We Work with Agents Worldwide
From initiating to navigating and managing the supply chain and propagation rights to ensuring plant patents, trademarks, and plant breeder's rights are applied for promptly, our family of agents can help you introduce your new plant to the world.
Plants Nouveau works with our worldwide partners to select the right plants for each distinct market, protect the breeder's invention with either a Plant Patent (USA) or Plant Breeder's Rights (the rest of the world), and collect royalties for the breeders. We share marketing materials and resources with our international partners to ensure each new plant has a successful beginning and future. We also work with these partners to maximize the breeder's distribution channels and royalty revenues.
If you are an International Plant Breeder's Agent in another country and would like to represent one of our plants, or if you have plants that you need help introducing to North America, Plants Nouveau can help.
For Perennials & Annuals, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For Shrubs, Trees, & Tropicals, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Our Agent Partners
In Europe:
Kolster, BV
Plants for Europe
Compass Plants
Walter Blom Plants
In Japan:
Plant Network Ltd.
In Australia & New Zealand:
Plants Management Australia