Camellia sasanqua October Magic® Ivory
A creamy white, fully double peony-like flower
Camellia sasanqua is a fall blooming species. Some of these new selections have proven hardy in USDA Zone 6, but we are saying zone 7 to be safe. As summer fades and the nights begin to cool, the October Magic™ Series usher in the camellia season in beautiful fashion. Graceful in form and one of the loveliest of autumn flowers, the soft fragrance of sasanquas conjure up memories of southern gardens amass with blooms. These new selections offer all of the nuances we’ve grown to love in sasanquas and then some. There’s a shape, size and color to fit any garden.
A soft, creamy white, fully double bloom with ruffled petals that really looks like a peony, similar to 'Mine-No-Yuki' , but with more petals and a much easier to pronounce and remember name! Ivory matures to a very manageable 6-8' tall, making it perfect for smaller spaces and large containers.
Who Am I?
Common Name:October Magic® Ivory Camellia
Botanical Name:Camellia sasanqua ‘Green 99-016’ PP24887

Cultural Details
Light:Full sun / Afternoon shade
Soil:Average garden soil
Moisture:Moist, but well drained
Hardiness Zone7-9
Bloom Time:October-November
Bloom Color:Creamy White
Size:8-10'' tall by 4-5' wide
Diseases & Pests:Some scale