Acer saccharum Crescendo™
A drought tolerant sugar maple.
Crescendo is a selection of the native sugar maple and makes an excellent specimen or shade tree for the residential lawn, parks, and golf courses. The thick and durable foliage is dark green all summer, and reliably turns to a brilliant orange-red every autumn. An attractive tree with a uniform oval habit. The flowers and fruit are insignificant. The gray bark becomes slightly furrowed with age. Crescendo is more drought-tolerant than many midwestern grown sugar maple selections. Like most sugar maples, do not use on sites with compacted or restricted soils, or in areas with significant salt spray or runoff.
Who Am I?
Common Name:Crescendo maple
Botanical Name:Acer saccharum 'Morton'
U.S. Native:YES

Cultural Details
Light:Full sun
Soil:Moderately moist, rich, well-drained acidic to slightly alkaline soil
Moisture:Moist, but well-drained. Drought tolerant once established.
Hardiness Zone5-7
Bloom Time:Spring
Size:Grows to 20-25' tall by 15-20-' wide in 10 to 15 years. Mature size will approach 40-45' tall by 30-35'wide.
Diseases & Pests:Excellent heat and drought tolerance. Like other sugar maples, it does not tolerate compacted soils, areas with high air pollution, or significant salt spray or runoff.
What Makes Me Special?
Landscape Use
Selected from the collections of The Morton Arboretum in Lisle, Illinois, for its excellent heat and drought tolerance, durable dark green summer foliage, outstanding orange-red fall color, and uniform, broadly oval habit.