Aspidistra Tokyo Skies™
A stunning accent in low light areas.
When looking for shade loving plants, few perform better than Aspidistra. This new variety from our friends in Japan is destined to become one of your all-time favorites! Like a sky full of stars, dark, glossy-green leaves are flecked with white. Its bold texture and stately upright form make Tokyo Skies™ stunning accent in low-light areas of the garden where its elegant charm is bound to draw you in. Like most cast iron plants, it requires very little care, making it an excellent choice for containers.
Their architectural form and tolerance for shade make Aspidistra invaluable to the southern garden, where there are few plants that contribute so much. Ideal for a woodland garden and in containers, the evergreen clumps get bigger as they mature. And as an extra bonus… Aspidistra is deer resistant!
Northern gardens have Hostas, but the south has Tokyo Skies™! Bright, highly flecked clumps of evergreen leaves are certain to become a mainstay in your shade garden. Hanado Raku blends beautifully with spring ephemerals such as Daffodils and Leucojum, white flowering Agapanthus, Caladiums, Hydrangeas and Pieris. Lovely when planted under deciduous trees like Halesia or Stewartia.
Who Am I?
Common Name:Tokyo Skies™ cast iron plant
Botanical Name:Aspidistra elatior ‘Hanado-Raku No1’ PPAF

Cultural Details
Light:Partial shade, morning sun.
Soil:Average to well-drained
Moisture:Moderate to dry
Hardiness Zone8-11
Bloom Time:Spring
Bloom Color:Red
Size:36" tall by 30" wide
Diseases & Pests:Resistant to most garden pests, but mealy bugs and spider mites can be a problem if grown indoors.
What Makes Me Special?
Landscape Use
From our friends at Plant Network in Japan.