Alocasia Masquerade™ Mayan Mask
Deeply veined leaves with chocolate undersides
We are thrilled to bring you this strong and powerful new selection from the tropical tempter, breeder Brian Williams. Mayan Mask commands attention with bold, upright leaves and strong, sturdy, stems. Each leaf unfurls with a satin texture and bright, pale green veins, but matures to glossy grass green with chocolate undersides.
Plant this new powerful tropical in a large container as a specimen or use the graceful, yet powerful foliage to lure passers by into your garden, for it will make the perfect focal point. This selection is very robust and durable, so it will never flop or fall. Each leaf first points straight up, then as it matures, it will arch gracefully to make way for the next young leaf to emerge from the center, pointing straight, as if it were praying to the sun gods.
Who Am I?
Common Name:Mayan Mask taro
Botanical Name:Alocasia 'Mayan Mask' PP24391

Cultural Details
Light:Part sun-prefers afternoon shade
Soil:Average garden soil, well drained
Moisture:Moist, well drained, but not soggy
Hardiness Zone9-11
Size:4-5' tall by 4-5' wide
Diseases & Pests:None known