Camellia sasanqua October Magic® White Shi Shi
Pure white flowers on a low growing plant
In a sense, plant selection is similar to Thoroughbred horse breeding, or the Westminster Kennel Club…there are a lot of ribbons, but seldom do we find that single variety capable of becoming a legend in any particular category. With ‘White Shi Shi’ we’re going for the gold! Selected for its similar bushy, spreading habit of the well-known ‘Shi Shi Gashira’, this low growing evergreen offers the same versatile performance when used in the landscape, and is durable enough for public spaces. Porcelain-white, double formal flowers provide a graceful display at a time of the year when fewer trees and shrubs are blooming, and last well into winter. A gold medal winner for sure!
Who Am I?
Common Name:October Magic® White Shi-Shi camellia
Botanical Name:Camellia sasanqua ‘Green 02-004’ PP27553

Cultural Details
Light:Full sun / Afternoon shade
Soil:Average garden soil
Moisture:Moist, but well-drained
Hardiness Zone7-9
Bloom Time:Late October-December
Bloom Color:White
Size:3-4’ tall x 3-5’ wide
Diseases & Pests:Occasional scale
What Makes Me Special?
Smaller in stature than most sasanquas, with porcelain white double formal flowers
Landscape Use
Foundation plantings, mass plantings, urban gardens
These camellias flower in fall. Should they need any pruning to shape them, be sure to do that in early spring to allow for enough time for flowers buds to form.