Callicarpa Plump & Plentiful™ Snow Star
Pure white clusters of fruit, perfect for winter arrangements
Beautyberries satisfy a place in the garden with their decorative fruits that form in tight clusters along every branch in late summer and early fall. A one-of-a-kind selection, ‘Snow Star’ is certain to dazzle with its white, pearl-like fruits. Plump, plentiful and snow-white, these berries don’t turn brown like other white varieties that have disappointed. So whether you use the stems for cuts or the plant as a placeholder in your garden, this beauty berry promises to please.
Who Am I?
Common Name:Snow Star beautyberry
Botanical Name:Callicarpa ‘Kolmnostar’

Cultural Details
Light:Full sun to part shade
Soil:Average garden soil
Moisture:Moist, but well drained
Hardiness Zone5-9
Bloom Time:Spring
Bloom Color:White
Fruit TimeFall to winter
Fruit ColorWhite
Size:5-6' tall by 4' wide
Diseases & Pests:None known
What Makes Me Special?
Dazzling snow-white berries on upright stems make this beauty berry a perfect choice for cutting gardens and naturalized settings where an extra bounce of light is needed
Landscape Use
Cutting gardens, mixed borders, mass plantings, woodland gardens
Callicarpa flower in spring and fruit in fall. If your plants needs pruning, be sure to do that in lat winter to ensure maximum fruit produciton.