Veronica Tidal Pool
Cobalt blue flowers on a matt-forming groundcover
The medium to dark blue-violet flowers blanket the plant in late spring, with sporadic repeat bloom afterward well into autumn. The attractive, fine-textured foliage is evergreen, providing an excellent backdrop to its spring flowers and as a complement to bulbs and other perennials. The small oak-like leaves are medium green with a faint silvery-blue cast from its slight pubescence. This selection is in active growth much of the growing season, giving it a "fresh" appearance for much of the year. The spent inflorescences are quickly covered by new growth.
Who Am I?
Common Name:Tidal Pool speedwell
Botanical Name:Veronica 'Tidal Pool' PP 23341

Cultural Details
Light:Full sun to partial shade
Soil:Adaptable to many garden soils.
Moisture:Medium to dry soils.
Hardiness Zone4-7
Bloom Time:Early summer
Bloom Color:Deep blue
Size:3-4" tall by up to 30" wide
Diseases & Pests:Deer and rabbit resistant
What Makes Me Special?
Landscape Use
Selected in 2008 from a cross made in 2007 at Chicago Botanic Garden by Dr. Jim Ault. The parents of this hybrid speedwell are Veronica armena and Veronica pectinata 'Rosea', both reliable