Tiarella River™ Wissahickon
Pure white blooms emerge from peachy-pink buds.
From the superior breeding genetics of Sinclair A. Adam, Jr. we present you with Tiarella cordifolia ‘Wissahickon’, another fine addition to The River Series of truly East Coast native foam flowers. Wissahickon bears the shiniest foliage and is the longest blooming of the series. A slower spreader, Wissahickon grows four to six inches tall and spreads up to eight inches the first growing season. The glossy, grass green foliage remains well into the winter months and blooms begin in late April and continue into late July.
Wissahickon’s foliage remains semi-evergreen until March, when it is overgrown by new foliage. This new selection mixes well with pulmonarias, brunneras and Virginia blue bells to make a fantastic, long blooming mosaic carpet. Other, clumping foam flowers (Tiarella sp.), early spring bulbs, coral bells (Heuchera sp.), bleeding hearts (Dicentra sp.), summer blooming perennials and low growing, clumping grasses also make interesting companion plants for this selection.
Who Am I?
Common Name:Wissahickon foam flower
Botanical Name:Tiarella cordifolia 'Wissahickon' PP21963
U.S. Native:YES

Cultural Details
Light:full to part shade
Soil:average garden soil
Moisture:would love to have moist, organic soil, but also grows well in dry soil with lots of rot competition.
Hardiness Zone4(3)-9
Bloom Time:April to July
Bloom Color:White
Size:4-6″ tall by 8-12″ wide
Diseases & Pests:none known