Ajuga Midnight Mystery™
Black leaves and rosy pink flowers!
Famed British garden celebrity Adrian Bloom found Ajuga Midnight Mystery™ as a seedling selection in his garden. He immediately noticed the stunning combination and knew it must be introduced to the gardening world. Ajugas are great groundcovers for full sun and part shade. They are easy to grow and hardy in many areas of the world.
Stunning bronze-purple levels emerge in spring, giving way to the most darling, rosy-pink flowers. As summer warms up, the leaves age to deep eggplant purple and remain nearly evergreen in even the coldest winters, providing deep purple leaves until spring.
This is a color breakthrough in bugleweed. Never has there been a dark-leaved selection with pink flowers. Midnight Mystery propagates and grows quickly and is available to growers from virus-free clean stock.
Who Am I?
Common Name:Midnight Mystery bugleweed
Botanical Name:Ajuga reptans 'ABFG0413A' PP33969

Cultural Details
Light:Full sun to part shade. Best flowers and deepest leaf color will be in full sun
Soil:Average garden soil
Moisture:Moist, but well-drained.
Hardiness Zone3-8
Bloom Time:Spring - mid season
Bloom Color:Bright, rosy-pink
Size:6-8" tall by 12-18" wide
Diseases & Pests:Needs good air circulation in greenhouses to prevent powdery mildew
What Makes Me Special?
Landscape Use
Ardian Bloom, United Kingdom.