The Weeding Gnome
by Plants Nouveau · July 14, 2022
Cultivate '22 Preview
Some Really Useful NEW Perennials
Hi everyone and Happy Thursday! We are showcasing some really wonderful, useful, novel perennials at the Cultivate Show in Ohio next week. Here are just a few...

Stokesia laevis ‘Mini Mels' PPAF

Mini Mels
I had the pleasure of spending a wonderful, plant-filled day with the Hesbeens, the lovely family who found Mini Mels, last week while I was in the Netherlands and Belgium. This little beauty is a true novelty. Growing only 12-15" tall and wide and completely blanketed with bright purple flowers, this stokesia is perfect for pots, mass plantings, smaller spaces, and retail shelves, from which we predict it will be flying off.
Mini Mels is a selection from our popular 'Mels Blue'. Next comes 'Mega Mels' with its ginormous flowers. Wait until you see that in 2023! The Hesbeens are changing the world of stokesia for the very first time, making them retail-ready, pot-loving, and garden-worthy all in one.

Nepeta grandiflora 'Summer Magic' PP 27090

Nepeta grandiflora 'Summer Magic' PP 27090
There are so many new nepetas. Some are big, some are tiny, some sprawl, and some are contained, but none of them can withstand a summer gulley washer and remain standing like Summer Magic can. The big, fluffy flowers also keep coming all summer long without any deadheading. This is a landscape plant, and an easy one to grow and care for. What's not to love?

Origanum 'Bellissimo' PP 27353

Origanum 'Bellissimo' PP 27353
We've seen a few new ornamental oreganos, but none compare Bellissimo because it's the cutest, pinkest one on the market. the habit is consistent, unlike the seed selections, and the color is vastly improved over older selections. Bellissomo is perfect for pots and rock walls, and smaller spaces where a colorful groundcover will do the trick.
We Bring New Plants to Life!
That's all the perennials for now. Well, except for that exciting surprise I mentioned in the last email. We will be introducing a new partnership that brings so many wonderful new introductions to Plants Nouveau. We can't tell you just yet, so PLEASE stop by Booth 3211 to hear about this exciting secret.
Stop by 3211 to see all of our fabulous plants and best of all...Linda & Me. We can't wait to see everyone. Please let us know if you can't attend the show because we'd love to send you our fabulous 2023 New Products poster/catalog. It's really something!
Take care, safe travels to those who are attending, and see y'all real soon!
Angela Palmer
Stay tuned for news & more exciting new plants from Plants Nouveau.
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