Hydrangea paniculata Magical® Fire
Creamy white to fiery pink flowers.
The family hydrangea is valued for endless varieties of flowering shrubs and vines, which bloom in spring and are appropriate for the shade garden. That is of course, until we consider Hydrangea paniculata, the panicle hydrangea. This is where we find some showy specimens for full sun. Paniculatas flower reliably each summer regardless of climate, pruning, or in most cases, the pH of your soil. Spectacular in the landscape, these no-fuss beauties generally form large, vase-shaped shrubs that support showy, cone-shaped flowers. Until now… We are proud to be working with Kolster, B.V., who represents Boot & Co., a fabulous breeding company focused on panicle hydrangeas, in The Netherlands. The new selections coming from this partnership breeding program are sure to please with their colorful, full-bodied blooms and shorter, more compact habits. Hydrangea paniculatas bring charm and color to the garden when so many other plants look tired from the summer heat.
Due to its incredible performance, Magical®️ Fire is certain to blaze a trail for other summer-flowering hydrangeas to follow. The flowers evoke a feminine feel with their lacy-white cone-shaped blooms. Magical®️ Fire blooms earlier than other panicle-types, and then the flowers quickly turn burgundy-red while others are still white or turning shades of pink and green. Compact in stature, this new dwarf selection is more adaptable to smaller garden spaces and mixed containers. Once Magical®️ Fire ignites, it continues to be a strong grower throughout the season. The blooms remain on fire through the summer, supported by untiring foliage.
Who Am I?
Common Name:Magical®️ Fire panicle hydrangea
Botanical Name:Hydrangea paniculata ‘Bokraplume’ PP21302

Cultural Details
Light:Full sun
Soil:Average garden soil
Moisture:Moist, but well-drained
Hardiness Zone3-9
Bloom Time:Summer to fall on new wood
Bloom Color:Creamy white to red
Size:4' tall by 3-4' wide
Diseases & Pests:None known